Register for HAC here!

Please read the Terms & Conditions on this page before signing up. Once you submit the form, you will be redirected to the payment section to complete your registration. Should you face any difficulties while filling up the form or need any assistance, please email us on [email protected]

Please fill up the form even if you don't have details for the rest of your team
We will find you a team in the category of your choice unless it's already full
Please let us know the name of your team. You can also send us the name later in-case you don't have one as yet.

Fields below are for Companies or Organisations Only

Team Information: Team Leader / Member 1 / Individual

Format: M/D/YYYY

Team Information: Member 2

For Individuals who don't have a team. Please select the option 'No', then the options below are not applicable for you
Format: M/D/YYYY

Team Information: Member 3

For Individuals who don't have a team. Please select the option 'No', then the options below are not applicable for you
Format: M/D/YYYY

Team Information: Member 4

For Individuals who don't have a team. Please select the option 'No', then the options below are not applicable for you
Format: M/D/YYYY

Team Information: Member 5

For Open Challenge Team: Child - 1
Fields are Optional

For Individuals who don't have a team yet. Please select the option 'No', then the options below are not applicable for you
Format: M/D/YYYY

Team Information: Member 6

For Open Challenge Team: Child - 2
Fields are Optional

For Individuals who don't have a team yet. Please select the option 'No', then the options below are not applicable for you
Format: M/D/YYYY

Inclusions | Terms & Conditions

1. Participation Fees
2. Pre race paddle orientation on Fri, 15 Dec (for Zealot and Open Challenge) and Sat, 16 Dec (for Family Challenge)
3. Lunch, Dinner & Snacks on Orientation Day - Fri, 15 Dec
4. Breakfast, Lunch and Gala Dinner with Live music on Race Day - Sat. 16 Dec
5. Transfer from hotel to race start line, all local race transfers from recommended properties listed, end of race, to gala and back to hotel after gala dinner.
6. Rafts, safety equipment, safety kayakers, route marshals etc
7. Bike rental is included in the fee for the Zealot Challenge. Participants of the Zealot Challenge, can alternatively choose to bring their own bikes, should they prefer that.
1. Accommodation
2. Transfers from Airport/Railway Station to venue and vice versa
3. Anything not mentioned in the inclusions
Health and Fitness Requirements
Participants must be in good health and reasonable physical condition. It is vital that participants with medical problems make them known to us well before departure. If you suffer from severe muscular, chest, heart or bronchial disorders, or if you are a severe asthmatic, or have high blood pressure, you are strongly advised against participating. The Himalayan Adventure Challenge takes place in remote areas where there is little or no access to normal medical services or hospital facilities immediately for serious problems. Rishikesh & Dehradun are the closest cities with Hospitals and Professional Doctors available. Where necessary, evacuation can be prolonged, difficult and expensive. Medical and evacuation expenses will be the responsibility of the participant.

By my online signature/acknowledgement as set forth in the registration form I acknowledge and confirm the following: I waive any and all claims I may now and in the future have against, and release from all liability and agree not to sue Himalayan Adventure Challenge / Aquaterra Adventures India Pvt. Ltd. and its officers, employees, guides, agents or representatives (collectively its staff) or the licensor for any personal injury, death, property damage, or loss sustained by me as a result of my participation in an adventure trip with them, due to any cause whatsoever, including without any limitation, negligence on the part of Aquaterra Adventures India Pvt. Ltd., its staff and licensor.

I am aware that the race, in addition to the usual dangers and risks inherent, has certain additional dangers and risks, some of which may include: physical exertion for which I may not be prepared; weather extremes subject to sudden and unexpected change; remoteness from normal medical services; evacuation difficulties if I am disabled.

I accept all the inherent risks of the proposed adventure trip and the possibility of personal injury, death or property damage or loss resulting therefrom. I acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of adventure travel is derived in part from the inherent risks incurred by travel and the activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement, being a reason for my participation.

I agree that if I suffer injury or illness Aquaterra Adventures India Pvt. Ltd, can, at my cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation service, as they deem essential for my safety. In entering into this Agreement, I am not relying on any oral, written nor visual representations or statements by Aquaterra Adventures India Pvt. Ltd. or its staff or any other inducement or coercion to go on an adventure trip, hence, only of my own free will.

I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the contract and this Agreement prior to signing it and agree that this Agreement will be binding upon my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, and successors.
Payment Terms
The prices quoted are for payment through our parent company's website (Aquaterra Adventures (I) Pvt Ltd / through our Payment Gateway Providers: Instamojo or RazorPay, NEFT/IMPS/Wire transfer, Cheque or Cash payable in New Delhi.
Convenience fee (bank charges) at 2% (approximately) applies on online payment modes
The race fees price is payable to Aquaterra Adventures (I) Pvt. Ltd. at the time of registration after submitting the form on the left. You will be redirected to: to complete the formalities. If you have any questions or are unable to pay after registering, please get in touch.
Inability to make full payment entitles Himalayan Adventure Challenge to cancel your entry without notice and without refund of any deposit. All prices are quoted in Indian Rupees unless communicated otherwise via email.
If it becomes necessary to cancel your participation at the Himalayan Adventure Challenge, you must notify us immediately in writing.
Once we receive your notice, cancellation will take effect. Please note that the following charges will apply to cancellation:
  • If cancellation takes place anywhere between 30-45 days prior to the event, your full payment will be returned. A processing charge may apply at the time of refund for which you will be notified on receiving a cancellation request.
  • If cancellation takes place less than 30 days prior, 100% of the race fees will be forfeited. The race fees is quoted as a package. No partial refunds or credit will be given for services not used. We recommend that you obtain travel insurance upon booking.
Race Leaders/Activity Officers
Our Tour Leaders or Activity Officers take their responsibilities seriously and if they believes in his/her judgment that you should not participate in the race, before your departure, even if you pass your medical, he/she may exclude you from the race. In this circumstance, you will be offered the option of taking another trip offered by Aquaterra Adventures considered suitable for you or a full refund. If during the race the Tour Leader considers you should not participate further he/she may direct you not to continue and you must follow the Tour Leader’s instructions. In this case, you will not be entitled to any refund. Travel insurance may compensate you depending on the circumstances.
Delay, Cancellation Or Change Of Itinerary
Himalayan Adventure Challenge / Aquaterra Adventures India Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to cancel the race prior to departure in which case participants will be given a refund in full. However, you will not be entitled to make any further claim for any injury, loss, expenses or damage (either direct or consequential) or for any loss of time or inconvenience which may result from such cancellation (including but not limited to visa, passport and vaccination charges, or departure, gear purchases, airport and airline taxes).
Route Changes/Postponement Or Delay
Himalayan Adventure Challenge / Aquaterra Adventures India Pvt. Ltd. may for any reason change the date of departure or conclusion of the race, or it is possible that a route change, postponement or delay (either in relation to departure or to the duration of the expedition) may become necessary due to inclement weather conditions, political restrictions or any other cause. In the event of a change, postponement or delay, participants have no right to refund of the race fee (in whole or in part) or other compensation for any injury, loss or damage.
Outline Plan for you to plan your stay
Friday, 13th Dec 2024 - Orientation/ Briefing
12:00 to 14:00 - All teams arrive post lunch to their race hotels / camps.
15:00 - Zealot & 30 km Open teams transfer for paddle & bike orientation / safety & practice session, pick up race kits, and clear all queries/doubts from race coordinators.
17:00 to 20:00 - Race Briefing, rules, retire to your base for an early evening.
Saturday, 14th Dec 2024 - Zealot & 30 km Open Challenge.
05:30 - Zealot teams transfer to Devprayag to begin their challenge. (40 km/ 90 min to Devprayag).
06:00 - 30 km Open Challenge teams transfer to race start point (approx. 6-10 km / 20 -30 mins.
07:00 - Zealot race start below Devprayag (30 second staggered start).
07:00 - 30 km Open Challenge race starts at Singtali.
11:00 - 14:00 (race end time) - Zealot & 30 km Open Challenge teams reach Malakhunti finish 15:00 - 16:00).

Note: Hard stop for all Zealot and Open teams at 15:00 if they have not started the river leg.
Saturday, 14th Dec 2024 - 10 km Open Challenge
13:00 - 10 km Open Challenge teams transfer for paddle & bike orientation / safety & practice.
14:00 - 15:00 - Lunch for 10 km Open Challenge teams.
15:30 - 10 km Open Challenge race starts at Malakhunti, paddle to Sarasu village and trek back to Malakhunti
17:30 - Race ends. Transfer to respective hotels.

Open challenge team should ideally be independent of Zealot/Open challenge members as some may miss the 15:30 cut off start for this leg.

18:00 - Awards and Gala Dinner with live music for all teams at Atali. Time to celebrate!
Sunday, 15th Dec 2024
Relax, soak in the venue, enjoy a day on the river, or hike and depart after breakfast.